Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board (GSSSB)
Organization Name | Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board (GSSSB) |
Post Name | Surveyor |
Job Location | Gujarat |
Advt. No. | 216/202324 |
GSSSB Surveyor Syllabus
GSSSB-Surveyor-Syllabus-Class-3-216-2024GSSSB Surveyor Detail Syllabus Advt. No. 216/202324

Reasoning & Data Interpretation
- Problems on Ages
- Venn Diagram
- Visual reasoning
- Blood relation
- Arithmetic reasoning
- Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables)
- Data sufficiency
Quantitative Aptitude
- Number Systems
- Simplification and Algebra
- Arithmetic and Geometric Progression
- Average
- Percentage
- Profit-Loss
- Ration and Proportion
- Partnership
- Time and Work
- Time, Speed and Distance
- Work, Wages and chain rule
Constitution of India
- Preamble of the Constitution
- Fundamental rights
- Directive principles of state policy
- Fundamental Duty
- Power, role and responsibility of President, vice president and governor
- Parliamentary system
- Amendment of Indian constitution , emergency provisions in Indian constitution
- Centre – State Government and their relation
- Judicial System of Indian Constitution
- Constitutional body
Current Affairs
- Current events of state, national and international importance
- Comprehension in Gujarati
- Comprehension in English
(To assess comprehension, interpretation and inference skills)
A paragraph given with set of question on the basis of paragraph Or statement and assertion type question can be asked
Questions and Its Applications related to Technical Qualification
1. Surveying
- Principles of survey, Reconnaissance survey, Classification of surveys, various methodologies, instruments & analysis of measurement of distances, elevation and directions
- Topographic surveying using Total Station
- Contour survey: Characteristics of contour, Contour survey and mapping, Methods of Contouring, Interpolation of contours, slope analysis, gradients estimation
- Aerial survey, Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV), Global Positioning System, Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS), LIDAR
- Remote sensing, Applications of GIS
2. Preparation and study of Maps/Plans
- About cadastral and topographic maps in Indian context: Features, scale, data source, organizations etc.
- Elements of Maps, Map Layout; Graphical, linear and areal scales, Notations involving basic discipline of maps; Measurement of areas
- Use and application of Computer Aided Drawing (CAD)
3. Soil Engineering and Water Resources Management
- Bearing Capacity of Soil, Compaction and Stabilization of Soil
- Ground Water: terminologies related to ground water and its recharging, types/methods of artificial recharging
- Methods and structures for rain water harvesting
4. Ecology and Environment
- Importance of environment, Natural eco-system- components and processes, environment issues
- Causes of environmental pollution, water pollution, air pollution, noise as pollution, Pollution due to solid waste, Pollution of land due to industrial and chemical waste
- Environmental Audit, objective based types of audit, EIA, Environmental clearance for the civil engineering projects
- Green Building Concept, Green Building Materials and various systems of rating.
5. Seismic Engineering and Disaster Management
- Principles of seismic Engineering and its application in civil engineering and design of structure
- Features of disasters such as Floods, Earthquakes, Fires, Cyclones, Epidemics, etc
- Management and mitigation of above disasters
- Effects of earthquakes on buildings, construction and maintenance of earthquake proof /resistant masonry structure
6. Transportation Planning and Engineering:
- Importance & Classification of roads, planning & construction of roads
- Junction/ Intersection- types, elements and design criteria
7. Estimation
- Estimating and Costing – definition, purpose and related terminologies
- Rate Analysis: factors affecting, Importance and use Schedule of Rates (SOR)
8. Engineered systems for solid waste management
- Characteristics and composition of solid waste, Generation of solid waste and its classification, On site handling, collection ,processing, transfer and disposal of solid waste
9. Current Trends and Recent Advancements in the Above Fields.
- Current Trends and Recent Advancements in the Above Fields.
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