How accident reporting is carried out?

Accident Reporting

The accident should be reported to police authorities who would further collect required detail and take legal action especially in more serious accidents involving injuries, casualties or sever damage to property.

Accident report of the individuals involved may be separately taken. The accident data should be collected in the standard forms which might be useful in subsequent analysis, claims for compensation, evaluation of accident cost, etc.

The details to be collected are as following :

1. Location

Details of the location of accident with diagrams.

2. General

Date, time, persons involved in the accident, classification of accident like – fatal, serious, minor, properly damage only, etc.

3. Road condition

Road geometrics, road straight or curved, road surface characteristics such as dry, wet or slippery etc.

4. Details of vehicle involved

Registration number, description of vehicles, loading details, vehicular defects, etc.

5. Traffic Conditions

Types of vehicles, traffic volume, traffic density, etc.

6. Nature of accident

Condition of vehicles involved, details of collision, pedestrians or objects involved, damages, injuries, casualty, etc.

7. Accident Cost

Total cost of accident such as property damages, personal injuries and causalties, in terms of rupees.

8. Primary causes of accidents

Various possible causes and primary causes of accidents.

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