Signal Processing Online Test 1 (Free)


Signal Processing Online Test 1 (Free)

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1 / 10

The auto-correlation function of an energy signal has

2 / 10

The final value theorem is used to find the

3 / 10

If G(f) represents the Fourier transform of a signal g(t) which is real and odd symmetric in time, then

4 / 10

Two systems with impulse responses h1(t) and h2(t) are connected in cascade. Then the overall impulse response of the cascaded system is given by

5 / 10

The ACF of a rectangular pulse of duration T is

6 / 10

The Fourier transform of a real valued time signal has

7 / 10

The Fourier transform of a voltage signal x(t) is X(f). The unit of |X(f)| is

8 / 10

The trigonometric Fourier series of a periodic time function can have only

9 / 10

The Fourier series of a real periodic function has only
P. Cosine terms if it is even
Q. Sine terms if it is even
R. Cosine terms if it is odd
S. Sine terms if it is odd
Which of the above statements are correct?

10 / 10

The trigonometric Fourier series of an even function of time does not have

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krunal chaudhari70%
krunal chaudhari20%
krunal chaudhari0%
Chaudhari Priyanka Bipinbhai80%
Chaudhari Priyanka Bipinbhai30%
Darshna Gohil100%
Chetan Vaghela80%
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