100+ Free Fluid Mechanics MCQs, Civil Engineering MCQs

Fluid Mechanics MCQs

Fluid Mechanics MCQs

The working of hydraulic system is on the which of the following principle

A) Archimedes principle

B) Pascal’s principle

C) Bernoulli’s Principle

D) Newton’s second law of motion

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B) Pascal’s principle

The centre of pressure for a triangle with vertex on free liquid surface and base is horizontal is

A) 2/3h

B) 2h/3

C) 3h/4

D) h/2

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C) 3h/4

Which of the following is the cause of turbulence.

A) Shear flow

B) Sudden discontinuity

C) Change in velocity distribution

D) All of the above

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D) All of the above

The bulk modulus is defined as

A) Direct stress to strain

B) Direct stress to volumetric strain

C) Both a and b

D) None of the above

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B) Direct stress to volumetric strain

The viscosity of liquid is increase with

A) Increase in temperature

B) Decrease in temperature

C) First increases then decreases

D) Constant with temperature

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B) Decrease in temperature

Which of the following device is used to measure the fluid pressure

A) Hygrometer

B) Calorimeter

C) Manometer

D) Thermometer

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C) Manometer

Which of the following is a type of fluid flow in a fluid mechanics.

A) Steady and unsteady flow

B) Uniform and non uniform flow

C) Compressible and incompressible flow

D) All of the above

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D) All of the above

The properties of fluid do not change with time is called as

A) Steady flow

B) Unsteady flow

C) Uniform flow

D) Non uniform flow

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A) Steady flow

The laminar flow is also called as

A) Streamline flow

B) Viscous flow

C) Both streamline and viscous flow

D) None of the above

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C) Both streamline and viscous flow

The flow flowing in a pipe at a constant cross section with the constant flow rate, is example of

A) Steady and non uniform flow

B) Steady and uniform flow

C) Unsteady and uniform flow

D) Unsteady and non uniform flow

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B) Steady and uniform flow

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