Fluid Mechanics MCQs
The static fluid comes in contact with the surfaces then the forces exerted by the fluid on that surfaces this force is called as
A) Total pressure
B) Hydrostatic force
C) Thrust
D) All of the above
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D) All of the above
The centre of pressure for a triangle with base on free liquid surface is
A) 2/3h
B) 2h/3
C) 3h/4
D) h/2
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D) h/2
Which causes the turbulence in flowing fluid.
A) Kinetic energy
B) Pressure
C) Force
D) Potential energy
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A) Kinetic energy
The father of fluid mechanics is
A) Stephen Prokofievitch Timoshenko
B) Ludwig Prandtl
C) Singh Kapany
D) Samuel Colville Lind
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B) Ludwig Prandtl
Which of the following is true about the Hydrostatic law
A) Pressure varies constant with depth
B) Pressure varies linearly with depth
C) Pressure varies exponentially with depth
D) None of the above
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B) Pressure varies linearly with depth
The Whirl pool in river is example of
A) Free vortex flow
B) Forced vortex flow
C) Both free and forced vortex flow
D) None of the above
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A) Free vortex flow
The coefficient of discharge for external mouthpiece is
A) 0.375
B) 0.105
C) 0.855
D) 0.823
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C) 0.855
The Venturimeter consists of which of the following parts.
A) Converging section
B) Throat section
C) Divergent section
D) All of the above
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D) All of the above
The ratio of throat diameter and pipe diameter for Venturimeter is
A) 1:1
B) 1:2
C) 1:3
D) 2:1
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B) 1:2
The coefficient of discharge is equal to
A) Cd = Cv/Cc
B) Cd = Cv – Cc
C) Cd = Cv + Cc
D) Cd = Cv × Cc
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D) Cd = Cv × Cc