Fluid Mechanics MCQs
The force per unit length is called as
A) Compressibility
B) Surface tension
C) Capillarity
D) Viscosity
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B) Surface tension
Drag coefficient is _______ functions
A) Mach number
B) Froude’s number
C) Laminar flow
D) Reynolds number
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A) Mach number
The force of Drag is changes with the change in
A) Density of fluid
B) Mass density
C) Area
D) Flow speed
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A) Density of fluid
To go from laminar flow to turbulent flow is possible when the
A) Reynolds number increases
B) Reynolds number decreases
C) Reynolds number is the same
D) Froude’s number increases
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A) Reynolds number increases
Falling water drop becomes sphere is due to property of
A) Compressibility of water
B) Surface tension of water
C) Capillarity of water
D) Viscosity of water
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B) Surface tension of water
Major loss in a pipe is a
A) frictional loss
B) shock loss
C) entry loss
D) exit loss
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A) frictional loss
Major losses occurs in pipes due to which of the following property of fluid.
A) density of fluid
B) specific gravity
C) viscosity of fluid
D) compressibility
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C) viscosity of fluid
Which of the following is a minor loss for a flow through pipes.
A) Sudden contraction and expansion
B) Loss at inlet and outlet
C) Loss due to bend
D) All of the above
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D) All of the above
The head loss at the inlet of the pipe is that at it’s outlet
A) equal to
B) half
C) twice of
D) four times
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B) half
The sum of pressure head, kinetic head and datum head is called as
A) Hydraulic gradient line
B) Total energy line
C) Total equations line
D) Transmission line
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B) Total energy line