RMC DEE (Civil) Online Test (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

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RMC DEE (Civil) Online Test (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

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1 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

A pointed arch which forms isosceles or equilateral triangle, is generally known as

2 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

In places where the soil is soft and has small resistance to the flow of concrete, which one of the following types of pile, is used

3 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Hydraulic mean radius is

4 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

A president's rule can be imposed in a state under the provision of which article of constitution of India?

5 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

If the magnetic bearing of a line is 34°30′ and magnetic declinations is 3°30′ W, then the true bearing of the line will be

6 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Which suffix will make the noun for the given word:


7 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

For a closed traverse, which check is more important and essential?

8 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Surcharge storage zone of a reservoir, is

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Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

__________ provides only one sewer to carry both foul sewage and rainwater.

10 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The word processing task associated with changing the appearance of document is _________

11 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The process of filling hollow spaces of walls before plastering, is known

12 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

A __________ is a set of rules that specify the standards for constructed objects such as building and non-building structures.

13 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The phrase "Black Revolution" is related to what?

14 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

When did Burma (Present Myanmar) got independence from Britishers?

15 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The most ideal disinfectant used for drinking water

16 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Change the following sentence into passive voice:

The man caught several fish.

17 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Which of the following is not a type of earthquake waves?

18 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Disappearance of pink of color of water of a well due KMnO4 indicates that water contains

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Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Drop manholes are the manholes

20 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Baluster in a stair is the _________ member supporting __________

21 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Brick nogging type of partition wall, is constructed by

22 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

To prevent the product flow in the wrong direction which of the following valve is used?

23 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

In word processing, a word is defined as _________

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Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Wall is used to resist lateral forces like sever wind.

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Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The steel pile which is generally sunk in soft clay or loose sand of low bearing capacity, is

26 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

In calculating the area of a plan by a planimeter, the area of zero circle is excluded when the

27 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Choose the most logical order of given sentences to make a meaningful paragraph.

A. The king heard their complaints.

B. People in trouble would come and ring it.

C. A king was very kind and just.

D. He had a bell hung outside his palace.

28 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

A structure that allows water to flow under a road, railroad or similar obstruction from one side to the other side is called as

29 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Which of the following is not a type of earthquake waves?

30 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The following chemical is used for coagulation.

31 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Name the test conducted on bitumen using the Pensky-Martens closed cap apparatus?

32 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Hardness of water directly measured by titration with ethylene-diamine-tetra acetic acid (EDTA) using

33 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Which of the following short cut key is used to make Font Italic?

34 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Largest salt water lake the Chilka lake is located in which state of India?

35 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Select the correct sentence.

36 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The stadia method in tacheometry is used to determine

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Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

__________ valve allows water to flow in one direction only.

38 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The function of king post in a king post roof truss is ________?

39 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Which of the following horizontal member is used to divide a window frame vertically?

40 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The population of a city in the year 2000 was 74,000. If average % increase in population per decade is 30%, the population of the city in the year 2020 estimated geomerical increase will nearly be

41 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

__________ refers to the effect produced by deriving the maximum benefits from the minimum dimensions of a room.

42 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The GPS navigation system operated by Indians is

43 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Which of the following acronym recognise the fact that "computer errors" can usually be traced to incorrect input data or unreliable programs?

44 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The outer projection on tread of a stair is

45 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

For determining velocity of flow of underground water, the most commonly used nonempirical formula.

46 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The capacity of a service reservoir in a campus should cater to

47 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Sonoscope is used for which of the following?

48 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

A floor constructed with 3 mm marble chips, is known

49 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Identify the 'Predicate' in the given sentence:

We cannot pump the ocean dry.

50 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The method, which is most widely used for analyzing and designing the pipes of all types of complex distribution networks, is

51 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

__________ is prepared on the basis of plinth area of building, the rate being deducted from the cost of similar building having similar specification, heights and constructions in the locality.

52 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

For a city developed haphazardly, the layout of distributions prefer to is

53 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

A sewer is commonly designed to attain self cleansing velocity at

54 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Information travels between components on the mother board through ___________

55 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The bond in which headers and stretchers are laid in alternate courses and every stretcher course is started with a three fourth brick bat, is known as

56 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The dowel bar is used in rigid pavements for

57 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The correct prismoidal formula for volume is

58 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

As per IRC: 37-2012, in order to control subgrade rutting in flexible pavements, the parameter to be considered is

59 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

A _________ line usually parallel to the plot boundaries and laid down in each case by the authority, beyond which nothing can be constructed towards the site boundaries.

60 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The sewer which resists sulphide corrosion, is

61 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Which one factor is affecting to the road alignment?

62 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

As per IRC standards, minimum width of two lane carriageway with raised curb is?

63 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

In 'D.R.D.O.', 'R' stands for what? (D.R.D.O. is an Indian Military agency).

64 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Total extra widening on horizontal curve is given by

65 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Which of the following item of work not included in the plinth area estimate

66 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The moon moves around the earth in about how many days?

67 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Setting out of bridges involves

68 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Berms are provided in canal if these are

69 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

_________ is construct outside the building to carry waste water discharge.

70 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Along horizontal curves, if centrifugal force exceeds lateral friction, vehicle may

71 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Calculate spacing between expansion joints, if the expansion joint gap is 4cm in C.C. pavement. The laying temperature is 11°C and the maximum slab temperature in summer is 51°C. ∝ = 10 × 10⁻⁶ per °C (for concrete)

72 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Weep holes are provided in retaining and breast walls

73 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

What happens to raw bricks if an excess alumina is present?

74 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

A water treatment plant treats 9000 m³ of water per day. If it consumes 30kg chlorine per day, then the chlorine dosage would be

75 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The additive constant of tacheometer it is generally

76 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Fill in the blank with appropriate collective nouns:

A __________ of elephants.

77 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

If the radius of simple circular curve is 400m and deflection angle is 120°, the mid-ordinate is

78 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

In functioning of computer, the internal circuits perform mathematical operations by three basic logic gates: which are those?

79 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

In Sewers designed with self cleansing velocity,

80 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

What is a full form of BIM?

81 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The additional piles which are driven to increase the capacity of supporting loads on vertical piles, are known

82 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Convert the following complex sentence into simple sentence:

The reply which you have made is foolish.

83 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Which of the following is not a method of doing resection?

84 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

A room is 6m x 4m with 20 cm walls all around. Estimate length of walls by central line method will be

85 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

As per IRC in heavy rainfall regions, the minimum camber provided on bituminous roads shall be of

86 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

"India's International Bank" is a slogan of which Bank?

87 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Teeth for cutting are known as __________

88 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Who is the author of English book "The Lord of the Rings"?

89 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Which is the correct set of combination of total station?

90 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

What should be placed at the beginning of every header course in English bond to avoid Verticle joint?

91 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

A temporary rigid structure having platforms to enable masons to work at different stages of a building, is known as

92 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

A series of closed contours on a map indicates

93 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Major options for layout are available in ___________ in Microsoft Excel.

94 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Imhoff cone is used to measure.

95 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

As per IS 10500:2012, for drinking water, in the absence of alternate source of water, the permissible limits for chloride and sulphate, in mg/L, respectively are

96 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The aggregates having affinity with water are

97 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

The Chezy's constant C in the formula V= C√(RS), depends upon

98 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Burmister's method for analysis of stresses in pavement is based on

99 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

Fill in the blank with suitable conjunction:

Run fast _________ the gate will be closed.

100 / 100

Category: RMC DEE (Civil) Exam Paper (Exam Date : 08/05/2022)

In CBR method of flexible pavement design following information is not required

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