How many compatibility equations should be written if we have n no. of redundant reactions? |
A) n – 1
B) n
C) n + 1
D) n + 2
What is the general form of elastic curve of a beam? |
A) Linear first-order differential equation
B) Linear second-order differential equation
C) Non-linear first-order differential equation
D) Non-linear second-order differential equation
Floor loads are transmitted from slabs to which part in a floor girder system? |
A) Floor beams
B) Side girders
C) Supporting columns
D) Nowhere
Which of the following causes greatest deflection for beams? |
A) Internal axial force
B) Internal bending
C) Both causes equal deflections
D) External loads
Betti’s Theorem is based on ______ |
A) Balancing of external and internal forces
B) Balancing of work done produced by external and internal loadings
C) Balancing of external and internal moments
D) Balancing of strain energy produced by external and internal loadings
What is the exceptional case when resistance to normal force is considered to be more important than resistance to bending and shear force in beams? |
A) Expansive axial force
B) Compressive axial force
C) Bending moment at both ends
D) Bending moment at one end
Identify the incorrect statement from the following regarding applicability of Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem. |
A) It is applicable for elastic member’s only
B) The temperature must remain constant throughout
C) Supports of the member should be unyielding
D) It is applicable for prismatic member only
Conjugate-Beam method was developed by:- |
A) Hooke
B) Otto mohr
C) Charles E.greene
D) H.muller-Breslau
When a structural member of the uniform section is subjected to a moment at one end only, then the moment required so as to rotate that end to produce a unit slope, is called _____ |
A) Resistance of member
B) Stiffness of member
C) Capacity of member
D) Potential of member
An arch is a beam except for ______ |
A) It does not resist inclined load
B) It does not resist transverse forces
C) It does not allow rotation at any point
D) It does not allow horizontal movement