Artificial Ground Water Recharge And Its Methods

Artificial ground water recharge

  • Artificial Ground water recharge also called planned recharge is the process of filling the aquifers beneath the earth through manual procedures. The water available in excess above the surface of the earth is made to seep through the ground to store it for times of shortage.
  • Apart from the distinct reason for tackling the groundwater shortage, artificial groundwater recharge also helps in managing various other concerns.

Methods of artificial ground water recharge

Direct method

surface method

  1. Percolation tank
  2. Flooding
  3. Stream augmentation
  4. Ditch and furrow system
  5. Contour bund

sub-surface method

  1. Recharge well
  2. Dug well
  3. Pits and shafts

Indirect method

Induced recharge

1. Percolation tank

  • In this method, series of earthen dams are constructed on suitable sites for storing of adequate quantity of surface water.
  • The tank area should be selected in such a way that significant amount of water infiltrates through the bed of the tank and reaches the groundwater table.
  • This method is very effective in alluvial area as well as in areas with hard rock. This method is very useful in providing continuous recharge after the monsoon.

2. Stream augmentation

  • In this method, seepage from natural stream or river is artificially increased by putting some series of check dams across the river or stream.
  • The placing of check dams spread the water in a larger area which eventually increases groundwater recharge.
  • The sites for the check dams should be selected in such a way that sufficient thickness of permeable bed or weathered bed is available for quick recharging the stored water.
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