Write a short note on Travel demand forecasting.

Travel demand forecasting

  • Travel Demand Forecasting is the process used to predict travel behavior and resulting demand for a specific future time frame, based on assumptions dealing with landuse, the number and character of tripmakers, and the nature of the transportation system.
  • It is basically a computer dependent mathematical process founded on the present day observations whereby future travel patterns can be predicted.
  • It involves developing mathematical formulae which given the details of household structure, income, car ownership, etc. in the study area can produce present day travel patterns as surveyed.

Use of a tool such as the travel forecasting model can help the policy-maker make an informed decision. The travel forecasting model consists of four basic steps:

  1. Trip generation
  2. Trip distribution
  3. Modal split
  4. Route assignment
Trip generation
how many trips will the
population, employment, etc.
of study area generate ?


Trip distribution
origin and destination of the trips


Modal split
mode of travel like car, bus,
autorickshaw, etc.


Route assignment
actual routes used for trips
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