100+ Free Fluid Mechanics MCQs, Civil Engineering MCQs

Fluid Mechanics MCQs

Fluid Mechanics MCQs

The sum of pressure head and datum head is called as

A) Hydraulic gradient line

B) Total energy line

C) Total equations line

D) Transmission line

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A) Hydraulic gradient line

If the compound pipe is to be replaced by pipe of uniform diameter that pipe called as

A) Uniform pipe

B) Equivalent pipe

C) Long pipe

D) Series pipe

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B) Equivalent pipe

The magnitude of water hammer depends on

A) Length of pipe

B) Elastic property of pipe material

C) Liquid flowing in pipe

D) All of the above

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D) All of the above

The purpose of surge tank is

A) To control the pressure variation

B) To eliminate the water hammer effect

C) To regulate the flow of water

D) All of the above

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D) All of the above

The the Minor loss in a pipe is about

A) 70 – 80 %

B) 80 – 90 %

C) 60 – 70 %

D) 10 – 20 %

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D) 10 – 20 %

When Venturimeter is inclined for a given flow it will shows the _______ reading.

A) Same

B) Higher

C) Lower

D) None of the above

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A) Same

The flow of liquid in centrifugal pump casing after left the impeller is example of

A) Free vortex flow

B) Forced vortex flow

C) Both free and forced vortex flow

D) None of the above

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A) Free vortex flow

The fluid pressure is defined as

A) Force into area

B) Force per unit area

C) Force per unit length

D) None of the above

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B) Force per unit area

The temperature at absolute zero is

A) 273°C

B) -273°C

C) 273K

D) -273K

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B) -273°C

The pressure below atmospheric pressure is called as

A) Vacuum pressure

B) Suction pressure

C) Negative gauge pressure

D) All of the above

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D) All of the above

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