November 12, 2022January 29, 2024Civil Engineering MCQs Environmental Engineering PYQs, GPSC Civil Previous Year 1. High turbidity of water can be determined by A) Turbidity Tube B) Baylis turbidimeter C) Hellipe turbidimeter D) Jackson turbidimeter Check […]
November 12, 2022January 29, 2024Civil Engineering MCQs Building Materials PYQs, GPSC Civil Engineering Previous Year 1. As per BIS 1077-1957, the minimum crushing strength of bricks should be A) > 2.5 MPa B) > 3.5 MPa C) […]
November 11, 2022January 29, 2024Civil Engineering MCQs Solid Mechanics PYQs, GPSC Civil Previous Year Questions 1. In Mohr’s diagram, a point above the Mohr’s envelope indicates A) imaginary condition B) safe condition C) imminent failure condition D) […]
November 11, 2022January 29, 2024Civil Engineering MCQs Soil Mechanics PYQs, GPSC Civil Engineering Previous Year 1. For determining the shear strength parameters of soil in the laboratory which of the following test has to be done? A) […]
November 11, 2022January 29, 2024Civil Engineering MCQs Solid Mechanics PYQs, GPSC Civil Engineering Previous Year 1. The neutral axis of the cross-section a beam is that axis at which bending stress is A) minimum B) maximum C) […]
November 11, 2022January 29, 2024Civil Engineering MCQs Solid Mechanics PYQs, GPSC Civil Engineering 1. When there is a sudden increase or decrease in shear force diagram between any location, it indicates that the location has […]
November 11, 2022January 29, 2024Civil Engineering MCQs Structural Analysis PYQs, GPSC Civil Engineering 1. Which of the following is correct in respect of the influence line for the bending moment at ¼ of the span […]
November 10, 2022January 29, 2024Civil Engineering MCQs Highway Engineering PYQs, GPSC Civil Engineering 1. A) B) C) D) Check Answer B) ઈ.સ. 1949 2. A) B) C) D) Check Answer D) ઔદ્યોગિક કામદારો 3. A) […]
November 10, 2022January 29, 2024Civil Engineering MCQs Foundation Engineering PYQs, GPSC Civil Engineering 1. In case of well foundations, sinking of the well is facilitated by using _______ A) Square Wells B) Circular Wells C) […]
November 10, 2022January 29, 2024Civil Engineering MCQs Soil Mechanics PYQs, GPSC Civil Engineering 1. The ratio of the volume of air voids to the volume of voids is called A) Void Ratio B) Air Content […]