Digital Communication Online Test 1 (Free)


Digital Communication Online Test 1 (Free)

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1 / 10

Which of the following is a fully digital cordless system?

2 / 10

The line code that has zero dc component for pulse transmission of random binary data is

3 / 10

In delta modulation, the slope overload distortion can be reduced by

4 / 10

The process of conversion of data along with its formatting is called:

5 / 10

Compression in PCM refers to relative compression of

6 / 10

Companding in PCM systems lead to improved signal to quantization noise ratio. This improvement is for

7 / 10

The noise variance for AWGN is:

8 / 10

Increased pulse width in the flat top sampling, leads to

9 / 10

Flat top sampling of low pass signals

10 / 10

How many transitions can we make at every bit of time?

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The average score is 70%


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Chetan Vaghela100%
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