Logarithmic Functions: Definition, Properties & Examples

Logarithmic Functions

logarithm, the exponent or power to which a base must be raised to yield a given number.

The logarithmic function is an inverse function to exponentiation.

Expressed mathematically as. For, y= loga x if and only if x = ay , Where x > 0 , a > 0, and a ≠1

For example, 43 = 64; therefore, 3 is the logarithm of 64 to base 4, or 3 = log4 64.

Power Rule

Raise an exponential expression to a power and multiply the exponents together.

LogXy = y logb X

Base Change Rule

If b and x are positive numbers and b ≠ 1, x ≠ 1, then;

log(x) = ln x / ln b or log(x) = log10 x / log10 b

Multiply Rule

Multiply two numbers with the same base, add the exponents.

logb XY = logb X + logb Y

Divide Rule

Divide two numbers with the same base, subtract the exponents.

logb X/Y = logb X – logb Y

Zero Exponent Rule

log value of 1 is always zero for any base b.

logb 1 = 0

Reciprocal rule

If b and x are the positive numbers other than 1, then;

logbx = 1/logxb

Summation rule

logb X + logb Y = logb XY

Subtraction rule

logb X – logb Y = logb X/Y

Examples 1

Find log2(1/64)

= log2(1/64)

= log21 – log264

= log21 – log226

= 0 – 6log22

= -6(1)

= -6

Examples 2

Find value of x for below example.

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