Strength of Materials PYQs, GPSC Civil Engineering

GPSC Civil Engineering Practice Paper (Date : 14/06/2023)

50 MCQs - 50 Marks (All Subject)

1 / 50

The shape of Shear Force Diagram for a cantilever beam subjected to a couple at its free end is

2 / 50

Stanton diagram is a

3 / 50

For the bars of a composite section
i. The load carried by different materials is the same as the total external load
ii. The total external load is equal to the sum of the load carried by different materials
iii. Strain in all materials is equal

4 / 50

The Dam which is constructed on Tapi river

5 / 50

As per IS: 800-2007, the design compressive stress of an axially loaded compression member is given by

6 / 50

Consider the following statements:
1. Soil with high void ratio has always more coefficient of permeability than the soil with lower void ratio.
2. Constant head permeability test is used for fine grained soil.
3. As temperature increases, the coefficient of permeability of soil also increases.
4. As the specific surface area of soil particle increases, the coefficient of permeability decreases.
Which of these statements are correct?

7 / 50

The span of the bridge is said to be economical when

8 / 50

Which of the following failure theories assumes that failure by yielding occurs when energy used in changing the shape of the unit volume of a component is equal to the distortion energy per unit volume at the yield stress of a specimen subjected to simple tension or compression test?

9 / 50

For a normal RCC work, the slump of concrete should be in the range of

10 / 50

Irrotational flow is such that

11 / 50

Which of the following ministry/ministries have contributed to the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana?
i. Ministry of Jal Shakti
ii. Ministry of Rural Development
iii. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
iv. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

12 / 50

The correct sequence of plasticity of minerals in soil in an increasing order is

13 / 50

Which of the following defects is caused by vapourization of entrapped moisture of solvents in a painted surface?

14 / 50

The horizontal distance between parallel reinforcement bars provided against shrinkage and temperature shall not be more than

15 / 50

Which among the following features can make a building green?

16 / 50

The cyclopan aggregate has a size more than

17 / 50

SWAYAM is indigenously developed IT platform, that facilitates

18 / 50

Stream lines and path lines always coincide (identical) in case of

19 / 50

Hudson’s formula gives the dead weight of a truss bridge as a function of

20 / 50

10 divisions of the Vernier scale will have the same length as

21 / 50

In limit state method, the failure criterion for reinforced concrete beam and column is based on

22 / 50

A cylinder vessel 10 cm diameter and 25 cm deep is fille with water up to top, and rotated at speed of 600 rpm. Find the maximum height of paraboloid.

23 / 50

Which of the following yield criteria are suitable for ductile and isotropic material ?
1. Maximum normal stress theory
2. Maximum shear stress theory
3. Maximum energy distortion theory
4. Maximum compressive theory

24 / 50

As per IS: 800, the splice connection should be designed for a force of at least k times the member design capacity in tension. Here the value of k is

25 / 50

IS: 800-2007 limits the width-to-thickness ratios of the elements of a steel section to place a check on

26 / 50

In order to balance a traverse in which angular measurements are more precise than the linear measurements, the most suitable method is

27 / 50

For which of the pollutants, the emission norms for Passenger Cars didn’t change in Bharat VI with reference to Bharat IV?
(i) Carbon Mono-Oxide
(ii) Nitrogen Oxides
(iii) Hydrocarbons

28 / 50

Which of the following statement(s) is/are true for the Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP)?
(i) Sardar Sarovar Dam is the third highest concrete dam in India
(ii) Sardar Sarovar Dam is an earthen gravity dam across river Narmada
(iii) SSP comprises 30 Major Dams, 135 Medium Dams and about 3,000 Minor Dams along the 1,312 km length of the Narmada river.

29 / 50

Bending moment at any section in a conjugate beam gives _____ in the actual beam.

30 / 50

State true or false :
1. Any two orthogonal surfaces are sufficient to completely specify the principal stresses for a biaxial state of stress.
2. Only one surface is required to specify the maximum shear stress completely.

31 / 50

Mechanical stabilization requires

32 / 50

The forces which meet at one point but their lines of action do not lie in one plane

33 / 50

Sardar Sarovar Dam on river Narmada is a _____

34 / 50

The Full Reservoir Level (FRL) of the Sardar Sarovar Dam is fixed at RL

35 / 50

Consider the following statements:
1. Triangulation is another system of increasing the ground control points
2. Triangulation is used for filling in the minute details of an area
3. Triangulation system of quadrilaterals is most suitable for railways.
Which of the above statements is correct?

36 / 50

The maximum slenderness ratio of connection members normally acting as a tie in a roof truss or a bracing system but subjected to possible reversal of stress resulting from the action of wind or seismic force is

37 / 50

The angle between the observer’s meridian and declination circle of the heavenly body is referred to as:

38 / 50

In order to have a continuous flow through a siphon, no portion of the pipe be higher than

39 / 50

Which of the following methods is most suitable for area calculation when boundary line is irregular ?

40 / 50

According to IS 1893 (Part-1):2002, the zone factor for seismic zone III is equal to

41 / 50

The allowable slenderness ratio of the elements in built-up section is

42 / 50

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct for Venturi meter?
i. It is mainly used to measure the pressure flow
ii. A gradient of pressure is created by decreasing the cross-sectional area

43 / 50

A propped cantilever beam of span L is subjected to Uniformly Distributed Load of w kN/m throughout the span. What is the distance of Point of Contraflexure from the Fixed end?

44 / 50

The descending order of precision among the following types of survey is
1. Chain
2. Compass
3. Theodolite
4. Micro-optic theodolite

45 / 50

According to IS 456:2000, a pedestal is a compression member whose

46 / 50

Choose the best option for the Newtonian fluid

47 / 50

To prevent the possibility of erosion and piping, following approaches are used:
1. By providing cut off wall at downstream side
2. Increasing the flow path by providing impervious blanket
3. Use of protective filter
Which of these statements are correct?

48 / 50

The drag and lift forces experienced by an object placed in a fluid stream are due to

49 / 50

In SI system, the symbol for density is

50 / 50

By using an anallactic lens in a theodolite,

Your score is


Solid Mechanics/Strength of Materials PYQs, GPSC Civil Engineering
Basic Engineering Mechanics PYQs
Properties of Metals & Simple Stress Strain PYQs
Shear Force & Bending Moment PYQs
Slope & Deflection of Beams PYQs
Shear Stress in Beam PYQs
Bending Stress in Beam PYQs
Principal Stress & Principal Strain PYQs
Combined Stresses PYQs
Theory of Failures PYQs
Strain Energy in Body PYQs
Column & Struts PYQs
Torsion of Circular Shaft & Springs PYQs
Thick and Thin Cylinders/Sphere PYQs
Moment of Inertia (M.I.), Polar M.I., Section Modulus (Z) & Radius of Gyration (k) PYQs

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