ArcGIS: Introduction & Overview

Here you will get knowledge about “ArcGIS”. We have described overall overview of ArcGIS in detail here. You will get complete knowledge about ArcGIS here. Keep Visiting – Vlcinfo.

ArcGIS: Introduction

  • ArcGIS is a GIS (geographic information system) software.
  • It is developed by ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute).
  • It is used for various purposes like mapping, data management and spatial data analysis.
  • It is widely used in various fields like natural resource management, urban planning, environmental science etc.

ArcGIS: Overview

Here is a detailed overview of ArcGIS:

1. Mapping and Visualization

  • ArcGIS used to create maps and to visualize geographic data in both formats : 2D and 3D formats.
  • Users can get various types of data like satellite image, vector data, elevation models and thematic layers etc.

2. Data Management

  • ArcGIS provides tools to manage geographic data efficiently.
  • Users can organize, store and also retrieve geographic data in various formats like shapefiles, geodatabases and raster datasets.
  • Data management tools include data conversion, projection, editing and versioning.

3. Web GIS

  • ArcGIS also used to publish maps and spatial data in the web.
  • Users can create web maps and applications using ArcGIS Online.
  • It used for easy sharing and collaboration on geographic information across the organizations and with the public.

4. Real-Time GIS

  • ArcGIS also includes tools for integrating real-time data streams into GIS workflows.
  • We can monitor and analyze live data feeds like sensor data, GPS tracks and social media feeds.
  • Real-time GIS applications are used in various areas like emergency response, transportation management and environmental monitoring.

5. Integration with Other Systems

  • ArcGIS integrates with other software systems and data formats very easily.
  • It supported with CAD software, databases, remote sensing tools and geospatial standards like OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards.

6. Spatial Analysis

  • Its is the one of the important features of ArcGIS.
  • Users can also perform complex spatial analysis tasks. Like overlay analysis, proximity analysis, spatial statistics, terrain analysis and network analysis.
  • These tools help users to get insights from spatial data and make decisions.

7. Geoprocessing

  • ArcGIS includes various geoprocessing tools to automate the spatial analysis tasks.
  • These tools used to perform operations like buffer analysis, geocoding and data, spatial interpolation, transformation.
  • Geoprocessing tools can be accessed through the ArcGIS Desktop application or run programmatically using ArcPy (Python library for ArcGIS).

8. Mobile GIS

  • ArcGIS also provide mobile applications for collecting, editing and viewing geographic data.
  • These apps used to access maps and data on your phone or tablets (also in offline mode).
  • Mobile GIS enhances data collection efficiency and accuracy.

9. Customization and Extensibility

  • ArcGIS can also be customized and extended for specific requirements using various programming interfaces and development frameworks.
  • Developers can also create custom tools, extensions and applications by using ArcObjects (.NET), ArcPy (Python), JavaScript API and other SDKs provided by Esri.

Important Points to Remember

  • ESRI : Environmental Systems Research Institute
  • OGC : Open Geospatial Consortium
  • GIS : geographic information system
  • ArcPy : Python library for ArcGIS
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