Eco-System Definition, Components And Processes Free 2024

Here you will get all details about “Eco-System Definition, its Components And Processes”. We have listed All Components of Eco-System in detail here. You will get complete knowledge about Eco-System here. Keep Visiting – Vlcinfo

Eco-System Definition, Components And Processes

Eco-System Definition

An eco-system is a biological community of living organisms like biotic components and non living physical environment like abiotic components within a specific geographical area.

If we say In simple terms, it represents complex network of living organisms, their habitats and interactions between them.

Components of Eco-System

Here below you can see Components of Eco-System.

Components of Eco-SystemExamples
Biotic Components➤ Producers (Autotrophs) like Plants, Algae, Cyanobacteria
➤ Consumers (Heterotrophs) like Herbivores, Carnivores, Omnivores, Detritivores
➤ Decomposers like Fungi, Bacteria
➤ Microorganisms like Bacteria, Protozoa, Viruses
➤ Consumers by Feeding Strategy like Primary Consumers, Secondary Consumers, Tertiary Consumers
Abiotic Components➤ Physical Environment like Climate, Topography, Geology, Soil
➤ Chemical Environment like Nutrients, Toxic Substances
➤ Energy Flow like Sunlight
Energy Flow and Trophic Levels
➤ Producers (Autotrophs)
➤ Primary Consumers
➤ Secondary Consumers
➤ Tertiary Consumers
➤ Decomposers
Physical Habitat Components
➤ Water Bodies
➤ Landforms
➤ Microhabitats
Climatic Factors➤ Temperature
➤ Precipitation
➤ Humidity and Wind
Succession and Disturbances➤ Ecological Succession
➤ Disturbances
Components of Eco-System

Eco-System Processes

We have described Eco-System Processes in detail below.

Eco-System ProcessesProcessImportance
Primary ProductionConversion of solar energy into chemical energyFoundation of the food chain
DecompositionBreakdown of organic matter by decomposers like bacteria, fungi and detritivoresRecycling of nutrients, soil fertility and supporting growth of plants
Nutrient CyclingRecycling of essential nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.Microbial growth, maintaining eco-system health
Energy FlowTransfer of energy in a food chainGoverning relationships between different organisms
PhotosynthesisProducers convert sun energy into chemical energy and producing oxygenBalances oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the environment
Predation and Herbivory Interaction where one organism (predator) feeds on another (prey) or on plants (herbivory).Regulates population sizes
SymbiosisClose and long-term interactions between different speciesAffects the distribution, abundance and health of species
Biogeochemical CyclesCycling of elements like carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfurRegulates greenhouse gases
Water CycleMovement of water through evaporation, condensation, precipitation and runoffRegulates water availability
Eco-System Processes
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