Darcy’s Law And Limitations of Darcy’s law

Darcy’s law

  • Darcy’s law states that the discharge or rate of flow per unit time is proportional to hydraulic gradient

V ∝ i   OR   V = Ki

  • Darcy’s law describes the relationship between the instantaneous rate of discharge through a porous medium and pressure drop at a distance.

Darcy’s law is expressed as:

V ∝ i   OR   V = Ki

i = dh/dl

Q = VA

q = Q/A = -K*(dh/dl)


q = The discharge rate

Q = The rate of water flow

K = The hydraulic conductivity

A = The column cross-section area

dh/dl = A hydraulic gradient

Limitations of Darcy’s law

  • Darcy’s law is generally valid only when the flow is laminar i.e when the reynold’s number is less than on equals to 1. (Re ≤ 1)
  • Darcy’s law is valid only for laminar flow, but not for turbulent flow.
  • Darcy’s law is valid only for clay, silt and sand and not for gravels, cobbles etc. This is because the flow is always turbulant.
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