Fluid Mechanics Mcqs

Practice Quiz On Fluid Mechanics Mcqs

30 Marks

1 / 30

The coefficient of discharge for an external mouthpiece depends upon

2 / 30

Density of water is maximum at

3 / 30

The total energy line lies over the hydraulic gradient line by an amount equal to the

4 / 30

In an immersed body, centre of pressure is

5 / 30

A centrifugal pump will start delivering liquid only when the pressure rise in the impeller is equal to the

6 / 30

Gradually varied flow is

7 / 30

The variation in the volume of a liquid with the variation of pressure is called its

8 / 30

The velocity at which the laminar flow stops, is known as

9 / 30

When a body is placed over a liquid, it will sink down if

10 / 30

The hydraulic mean depth or the hydraulic radius is the ratio of

11 / 30

The speed of an imaginary turbine, identical with the given turbine, which will develop a unit power under a unit head, is known as

12 / 30

A flow is called hyper-sonic, if the Mach number is

13 / 30

An average value of coefficient of velocity is

14 / 30

An impulse turbine is used for

15 / 30

The flow in which each liquid particle has a definite path and their paths do not cross each other is called

16 / 30

The absolute pressure is equal to

17 / 30

The meatcentric height is the distance between the

18 / 30

In a reciprocating pump, air vessels are used to

19 / 30

A point, in a compressible flow where the velocity of fluid is zero, is called

20 / 30

The centre of gravity of the volume of the liquid displaced is called

21 / 30

Hot wire anemometer is used to measure

22 / 30

The imaginary line drawn in the fluid in such a way that the tangent to any point gives the direction of motion at that point, is known as

23 / 30

All the terms of energy in Bernoulli's equation have dimension of

24 / 30

In a venturi-flume, the flow takes place at

25 / 30

Property of a fluid by which molecules of different kinds of fluids are attracted to each other is called

26 / 30

The flow in a pipe or channel is said to be uniform when

27 / 30

Piezometer is used to measure

28 / 30

Unit of surface tension is

29 / 30

The property of a liquid which offers resistance to the movement of one layer of liquid over another adjacent layer of liquid, is called

30 / 30

Reynold's number is the ratio of the inertia force to the

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The centre of gravity of the volume of the liquid displaced is called

A) Centre of pressure

B) Centre of buoyancy

C) Metacentre

D) None of these

B) Centre of buoyancy

In a reciprocating pump, air vessels are used to

A) Smoothen the flow

B) Reduce suction head

C) Increase delivery head

D) Reduce acceleration head

D) Reduce acceleration head

The absolute pressure is equal to

A) Gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure

B) Gauge pressure – atmospheric pressure

C) Atmospheric pressure – gauge pressure

D) Gauge pressure – vacuum pressure

A) Gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure

The velocity at which the laminar flow stops, is known as

A) Velocity of approach

B) Lower critical velocity

C) Higher critical velocity

D) None of these

B) Lower critical velocity

The variation in the volume of a liquid with the variation of pressure is called its

A) Surface tension

B) Compressibility

C) Capillarity

D) Viscosity

B) Compressibility

Unit of surface tension is

A) Energy/unit area

B) Velocity/unit area

C) Both of the above

D) None of the above

A) Energy/unit area

When a body is placed over a liquid, it will sink down if

A) Gravitational force is equal to the up-thrust of the liquid

B) Gravitational force is less than the up-thrust of the liquid

C) Gravitational force is more than the up-thrust of the liquid

D) None of the above

C) Gravitational force is more than the up-thrust of the liquid

Density of water is maximum at

A) 0° C

B) 0° K

C) 4° C

D) 100° C

C) 4° C

The meatcentric height is the distance between the

A) Centre of gravity of the floating body and the centre of buoyancy

B) Centre of gravity of the floating body and the metacentre

C) Metacentre and centre of buoyancy

D) Original centre of buoyancy and new centre of buoyancy

B) Centre of gravity of the floating body and the metacentre

The total energy line lies over the hydraulic gradient line by an amount equal to the

A) Pressure head

B) Velocity head

C) Pressure head + velocity head

D) Pressure head – velocity head

B) Velocity head

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