Solid Mechanics Mcqs

Unsymmetrical bending occurs due to

A) The Beam cross section is unsymmetrical

B) The shear Centre does not coincide with the neutral axis

C) The Beam is subjected to trust in addition to bending moment

D) The bending moment diagram is unsymmetrical

D) The bending moment diagram is unsymmetrical

_____ joints are necessary to keep a structure safe against shrinkage.

A) Construction

B) Transverse

C) Functional

D) Longitudinal

C) Functional

The modular ratio for M20 grade concrete is

A) 7

B) 11

C) 13

D) 16

C) 13

In doubly reinforced beam, the maximum shear stress occurs ________

A) along the centroid

B) along the neutral axis

C) on the planes between neutral axis and tensile reinforcement

D) on the planes between neutral axis and compressive reinforcement

D) on the planes between neutral axis and compressive reinforcement

Bond stress for M20 grade concrete in tension is

A) 1.2

B) 1.4

C) 1.5

D) 1.8

A) 1.2

The formation of diagonal cracks at junctions is due to

A) Shear stress

B) Bond stress

C) Temperature stress

D) Lateral stress

A) Shear stress

Lap splices should not be used for bars larger than

A) 45 mm

B) 54 mm

C) 36 mm

D) 72 mm

C) 36 mm

Torsion reinforcement is provided in _______ slab

A) One way slab

B) Two way slab

C) Simply supported slab

D) Cantilever slab

B) Two way slab

The _______ of a column is the distance between the points of zero bending moments.

A) Slenderness ratio

B) Eccentricity

C) Radius of gyration

D) Effective length

D) Effective length

In long columns, the lateral deflection causes at the

A) Supports

B) Throughout

C) Along outer periphery

D) Midspan

D) Midspan

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