Solid Mechanics Mcqs

Which of the following method is not used for determining slope and deflection at a point?

A) Moment area method

B) Double integration method

C) Isoheytal method

D) Macaulay’s method

C) Isoheytal method

________ is a measure of the strength of shaft in rotation.

A) Torsional modulus

B) Polar modulus

C) Sectional modulus

D) Torsional rigidity

B) Polar modulus

The shear stress at the outer surface of hollow circular section is

A) Zero

B) Maximum

C) Minimum

D) Can’t determined

B) Maximum

In thin cylinders, the thickness should be ________ times of internal diameter.

A) 1/15

B) 1/20

C) 1/30

D) 1/40

B) 1/20

The breaking stress is _______ the ultimate stress.

A) Equal to

B) Greater than

C) Less than

D) None of above

C) Less than

A built up rolled steel section carrying compressive force is called

A) Post

B) Pillar

C) Strut

D) Stanchion

D) Stanchion

In short columns, the slenderness ratio is less than

A) 28

B) 32

C) 56

D) 64

B) 32

Bending moment in a beam is maximum when the

A) Shear force is minimum

B) Shear force is maximum

C) Shear force is zero

D) Shear force is constant

C) Shear force is zero

Positive bending moment is known as

A) Hogging

B) Sagging

C) Ragging

D) Inflection

A) Hogging

Curvature of the beam is _______ to bending moment.

A) Equal

B) Directly proportion

C) Inversely proportion

D) Coincides

B) Directly proportion

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