Surveying PYQs, GPSC Civil Engineering (Page – 1)

1. The magnetic bearing of a line is

C) the horizontal angle between the magnetic meridian and the line

2. If the Whole Circle Bearing of a line AB is 132° 35′ 45’’ then the Whole Circle Bearing of line BA will be

D) 312° 35′ 45’’

3. An arithmetic check in the reduction of levels by the rise and fall method is stated as Last RL – First RL is equal to

(i) Sum of rises – Sum of falls

(ii) Sum of backsights – sum of foresights

(iii) Sum of backsights – Sum of intermediate sights

(iv) Sum of foresights – Sum of intermediate sights

B) (i) and (ii)

4. For a 2° curve on a 20-m chord having a deflection angle of 36°, the tangent length is

B) 177 m

5. For the first order precise levelling, where Distance D is in Km, the permissible error E (in meters) is _______ .

C) ± 0.0060 × √D

6. In an optical square, the two mirrors are placed at an angle of

B) 45°

7. If the relief displacement of minar 88m high on photograph is on 8.8 mm and its top appears 10 cm away from the principal point, then the flying height of the camera is

B) 1000 m

8. The vertical circle of a theodolite is generally graduated in

A) the quadrantal system from 0 to 90° in the four quadrants

9. As per the Bowditch’s Rule for balancing a traverse, correction to latitude of any side is

C) Error in latitude * Length of that sidePerimeter of traverse

10. Focal length of a concave mirror ‘f’ can be computed as _______ where u = distance of object needle from pole of the mirror v = distance of image needle from the pole of the mirror

A) uv/u + v

11. The radiation method of plane tabling involves

A) Keeping the plane table at one station

12. In using the two theodolite method for setting curves, the principle used is

C) Deflection of any point P from the first tangent is the same as the angle between the long chord and the direction to P from the second tangent point

13. The ediograph is used for

C) Reducing or enlarging plans

14. An abney level is mainly used for finding

D) Vertical angles and gradients


C) ઔરંગઝેબ

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