DBMS (GSSSB Sr. Surveyor) Online Test Series

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Database Management System (DBMS)
(10 Marks)

Membership Test Series

Database System (Introduction) 1
(20 Marks)

Database System (Introduction) 2
(20 Marks)

DBMS Terminology 1
(20 Marks)

Database System Architecture 1
(20 Marks)

Database System Architecture 2
(20 Marks)

SQL (Introduction) 1
(20 Marks)

SQL (Introduction) 2
(20 Marks)

SQL Commands 1
(20 Marks)

SQL Commands 2
(20 Marks)

Relational Algebra And Implementation Using SQL 1
(20 Marks)

Relational Algebra And Implementation Using SQL 2
(20 Marks)

Database Integrity Constraints 1
(20 Marks)

Entity Relational Model 1
(20 Marks)

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