The ratio of rate of change of the discharge of an outlet to the rate of change of the discharge of distributing channel is called |
A) Sensitivity
B) Flexibility
C) Proportionality
D) None of the above
Precipitation caused due to upward movement of warmer air as compared to surrounding air, is called |
A) Orographic precipitation
B) Cyclonic precipitation
C) Convective precipitation
D) None of these
A hydraulic jump in a control meter will be formed above the control, if its original |
A) Depth is less than the critical depth
B) Depth is more than critical depth
C) Depth is equal to critical depth
D) None of these
The main cause of meandering is |
A) Presence of an excessive bed slope in the river
B) Degradation
C) The extra turbulence generated by the excess of river sediment during floods
D) None of the above
For the upstream face of an earthen dam, the most adverse condition for stability of slope is |
A) Steady seepage
B) During construction
C) Sloughing of slope
D) Sudden drawdown
The best instrument for measuring the velocity of a stream flow is |
A) Pitot tube
B) Price’s current meter
C) Surface float
D) Sub-surface float
Indian Meteorological department uses the standard gauges whose collectors have apertures of |
A) 100 or 200 sq. cm area
B) 50 or 100 sq. cm area
C) 100 or 150 sq. cm area
D) 250 or 500 sq. cm area
The main function of a divide wall is to |
A) Separate the under-sluices from weir proper
B) Provide smooth flow at sufficiently low velocity
C) Control the silt entry in the canal
D) Prevent river floods from entering the canal
Seepage through foundation in an earthen dam is controlled by providing |
A) Horizontal blanket
B) Rock toe
C) Chimney drain
D) Impervious cut off
An aggrading river is a |
A) Scouring river
B) Both silting and scouring river
C) Silting river
D) Neither silting nor scouring river